Beauty & The Beast: Vincent Makes Things Right, And Heather Ruins Everything!

Last week on Beauty and the Beast, Victor tried his hardest to prove to Cat that she was his choice, not Alex. I’m sorry, but his actions over the past few episodes had me furious. That’s actually why I didn’t blog about them, because as I wrote the words, I felt the need to punch […]

Beauty & The Beast: Dance, Crash, BOOM!

The midseason finale for Beauty and the Beast was so epic. I literally alternated between squealing with  giddiness and howling with frustration as Cat and Vincent repeatedly grew closer and then pulled back throughout the episode. The episode started with Cat and her sister talking about their duties as bridesmaids. Cat was determined to do it up […]

Beauty and the Beast: Vincent Takes Off His Shirt Again (Yay!) and Wakes Up Covered In Blood

So last week’s episode of Beauty and the Beast ended predictably frustratingly, with Vincent passing out on his way to Catherine’s house for a romantic dinner. She got all sexied up for him and set the mood at her place, while Vincent faceplanted in the gutter, only to wake up on top of a huge ass […]

Hello world!

Hi everyone! My name is Jenny, and I am a HUGE couch potato. I have a serious love affair with TV Shows and movies. I watch SO much TV. Like at least 30 hours a week. It’s probably really unhealthy. But I don’t care! I love my shows. I’m super passionate about them. I laugh, […]